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One of the critical aspects to understand is that maintaining good image results in a massive investment return. Your product or business should not be disconnected from the customer base. On the contrary, create a special bond with your customers and Internet users. Earn their trust over time. Little by little, a positive brand image is created. This is an essential asset to the company. It makes it possible to develop the capital of the company. Satisfied customers will then value this.

In other words, it is a virtuous circle. The more your image improves, the more you create a beneficial business climate for you. The consequence is that in the event of a crisis, “bad buzz” or other, the company will face the storm more easily for the simple reason that the foundations will be stable and the context favorable.

The importance of customer reviews

“Customer reviews have become decisive elements in a customer’s buying journey. We note that 88% of consumers consult it before taking action. They, therefore, tend to become vectors of profits. Hyper-competition has also favored the emergence of these opinions, which demonstrate authentic and transparent experiences. Consumers no longer hesitate to give their opinion, whether positive or negative, even if they tend to express themselves during dissatisfaction. Your e-reputation can be impacted,” shares Moataz O Saleh, an IT professional, businessman, the founder and CEO of Shield Consultancy. For his effective role in business consultancy, reputation management, and business growth, he was honored by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi during the opening of the first phase of the New Administrative Capital of Egypt.

Moreover, 74% of Internet users have already given up on a purchase because of opposing opinions. Conversely, 56% chose a company because it had positive opinions. The observation is such that companies must work to intelligently collect and distribute these precious opinions knowing that 7 out of 10 consumers will leave a review if asked.

Protect and grow your business

Controlling your data means avoiding having a bad image that can impact your sales. Customer reviews directly impact your business, as 80% of consumers research the web before purchasing a product or service. Also, 96% are sensitive to a company’s reputation. But it is also using the information collected on the internet to improve your business. Customer feedback, when constructive, helps improve products and services.

Concretely, one of the challenges of e-reputation is the guarantee of obtaining more customers. Besides, this positive image must last over time. Thus, you must be careful not to have a too volatile reputation, too changeable because this can refer to a lack of professionalism. Besides, consistency will guarantee your income regularly. This income stability will result in business growth and a substantial increase in your turnover.

Moataz O Saleh on how to master the challenges of e-reputation?

We had the pleasure of speaking with Saleh, who shared credible insights on reputation management with the internet being the playground. Saleh revealed key information from his own experience leading a company which primary helps businesses establish to profitability and sustain a sound reputation online.

Monitor your online reputation

First of all, you must monitor your online reputation at all times. The establishment of a monitoring process guarantees you to collect the necessary information. Without information, no strategy is possible. Thanks to this collection, you will know what is being said about you, how and on which channels. These can be very diverse: forums, blogs, social networks, etc. Secondly, this information gathering allows for the implementation of a valid strategy.

To carry out this watch, you will need to use specific tools such as Mention or Hootsuite. Today, there is too much data on the internet to try to do it manually. Specialized tools help you find information but also prioritize it to draw concrete lessons. The idea is not to be a spectator of information but to become an actor. It will be easier for you to react in advance, control information, clarify specific points with your customers and improve your products thanks to their feedback on the web.

How to improve your online reputation?

Harmonize your communication

The first step in controlling your image is to harmonize your communication. Indeed, the consumer must have a clear picture of who you are and what you do. Your speech should be the same everywhere. Working on the visual identity of your brand through the different channels to harmonize, it is essential. The interest is to be professional. On social networks, it is necessary to establish a specific strategy called social media. Do not hesitate to hire a community manager who will put in place a global strategy. If you do not want to hire, you can choose an internal person in the company who will undergo training to take care of your social networks.

Interact and respond to consumers

Having a positive image is essential, but it should not go without an active presence on the web. In order not to give a frozen appearance, your business must be dynamic. To do this, always interact with your customers.

This is done in several ways. When it comes to customer reviews, whether positive or negative, you should always respond to them. Reviews on Google are a priority because of its visibility. Thank customers who give a positive review. When dealing with negative reviews, stay calm. Indeed, a customer should never leave an exchange being frustrated. Therefore, put yourself in his shoes and try to find a solution to his request. When it is justified, apologize and admit your mistakes.

Produce content

You also need to produce content. The latter must be relevant, positive and of quality for Internet users. Consistency is also important. By continuously irrigating your content channels, you improve your SEO. You then become more visible to Internet users. Thanks to this content, negative opinions or content against you will take a back seat. Concretely, they will no longer be on the first page of search engine results.

If for you, these concepts remain obscure and abstract, call on an inbound marketing agency who will be able to advise you and help you in your marketing strategy.

Act from the inside

Finally, the work on your reputation must also be done internally. If your employees are discredited or if you are unreliable in the eyes of your suppliers, your reputation will be tarnished. This is the reason why, with them, as with customers, efforts must be made to improve your relationships. The well-being of all stakeholders in your business must be taken into account. Your suppliers, customers, partners, are in a sense, all pieces of the puzzle constituting your brand’s success or your business. This is the key for all of these actors to convey a positive image of you.

To get there, act on several levels. Be reliable and respectful in all your interactions. For example, be on time with suppliers. Your employees’ effort must also be substantial: seminars, after works, creation of a definite group around the company’s projects.

In short, substantive e-reputation work is carried out at all levels of the company and on all channels. To carry it out successfully, you have to take stock, establish a strategy and apply it. The guiding principle must always be to remain in control of your reactions and consider each player in your business’s success is essential.