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One of the prime issues that broadcasters and service administrators face in the current environment is that shifts in piracy over the decade have seen it move from a post even process to a live one; from BitTorrent to Facebook Live.

Live illicit streaming of content over the Internet is becoming an emerging issue, particularly during major sporting events. This ends up being not just the greatest cost to broadcasters in this period of spiraling rights costs, yet it is additionally definitely one of the greatest targets. There are a few reasons why live streaming is turning into developing trouble. From one viewpoint, quicker broadband connectivity is prompting better picture quality; on the other hand, video is currently accessible on an assortment of platforms and second screens. Lastly, social media is going about as an accelerant: permitting customers to discuss what they’re watching continuously, enabling them to share the content with a friend there and then, in some cases — wittingly and unwittingly — widening the span of connection farms through these networks as they go.

“Due to their real-time nature and the manner in which they’ve been constructed by means of ‘hashtags’ and ‘likes’ to spread data rapidly in spreading patterns, social media platforms fundamentally affect content utilization and dissemination. Regularly those tapping on links probably won’t understand they’re going to a pirate site, particularly given the enhanced quality of pilfered streams and refinement of UI design — also the presence of genuine advertising,” says Moataz O Saleh, the CEO & Founder of Shield Consultancy. Honored by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi during the opening of the first phase of the New Administrative Capital of Egypt, Saleh stands as one reputed IT professional who is striving to battle against the rising issue of digital piracy.

The issue additionally worsens when you begin looking at what is happening inside a portion of Facebook’s group. A Business Insider report over the summer analyzed film piracy specifically on the social media platform. It revealed a range of groups with names like “Watch Free Full Movies HD,” which had enormous quantities of members (more than 80,000) and were working mainly in the open. They were sharing something beyond links as well, for certain films being hosted on Facebook’s server.

And while the BI report focused on motion pictures, live sports streaming groups on Facebook are growing in number. The group Live Streaming: All Sports TV, for instance, has 35,000 individuals, while another group that changes its name to feature the following event its carrying focused on Asian and Indian cricket matches has 79,000.

“The key takeaway, however, is that online media piracy on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit is especially on the ascent. Content can be shared with blinding speed across web-based media platforms since that is the thing that they have been designed to do. The ‘’viral’ aspect of social media is now showing its adverse impact,” says Saleh.

From fake news to spreading hate speech, social media, all in all, has numerous issues with content, and it certainly requires immediate action to be taken. This implies that a compelling methodology for tracking, battling, and proving piracy now needs to evolve well beyond the basic demands of a takedown notice. Operators now need an anti-piracy that gives an insight about the content being pilfered and records the sort/classification of programming, the circumstance, the length, the area, the crowd, the utilization, and much more. This is precisely where Shield Consultancy comes into the picture, as one of the leading platforms in Egypt, specializing in a wide range of business consultancy and information technology service spanning cinema consultation, digital reputation management, cybersecurity investigation, digital anti-piracy, digital design services, digital signage solutions, and content removal.

Proffering its services to scientific agencies, industrial establishments, service sectors, major trading companies, as well as business people and individuals, inside and outside of Egypt, Shield Consultancy has emerged as one international standard company. Saleh shares that as established by a group of specialists, Shield Consultancy, aims to make the virtual world free from the menace of piracy.